
Lift Technique Reminders


✔✔ Set the bar in the rack at the correct height.

✔✔ Get your hands set evenly on the bar, step directly under the bar, rotate your elbows back (create a shelf for the bar), stand up with the weight and let it settle.

✔✔ Get your feet set (only need 2 steps back), shoulder width or wider, toes turned out.

✔✔ Take a huge breath and hold it through the entire range of motion. Exhale at the top.

✔✔ Squats must be below parallel!

✔✔ Eyes should be straight ahead or slightly down (keep your spine and neck in line).

✔✔ Walk forward to rack your weight.

DEADLIFT (Conventional)

✔✔ Walk up to the bar where your shoe laces tie; feet in “jump stance” (shoulder width or slightly inside)

✔✔ Squat down to the bar gripping the rough part (knurling); all of your weight should be on your heels.

✔✔ Take a huge breath and hold it, pull up on the bar to take the tension out (slack out of the bar). Keep the bar close to your body and your back flat!

✔✔ Retrace your pattern on the way down or drop it from a standing position (if you are using Olympic/rubber plates)

✔✔ Eyes should be straight ahead or slightly down (keep your spine and neck in line).


✔✔ Set the bar in the rack at the correct height.

✔✔ Keep the bar close to your body. Set your foundation first (grip floor with your toes, dig your heels into the ground, push your knees back, flex quads and glutes).

✔✔ Push the bar overhead, pushing your head through at the top so your arms are in line with your ears.  Pause at the top, lower the weight quickly and go again (down and up fast); no pause at the bottom.

✔✔ Do not use your legs!


✔✔ Keep your back flat

✔✔ Bar should hang just below your knees; Keep the bar close to your body

✔✔ Drive your elbows straight back pulling the bar parallel to your quads/into your bladder