Assistance Lifts

If you are following an Ultimate strength program that allows you to chose the assistance exercise, look at the main template, find the body part that you must train that day, and pick an exercise for that body part. Perform 5 sets of 6-12 repetitions.
For all assistance, go as heavy as you can-with good form!
Max Chart (non-Tested Lifts)
Front Squat = 60% - 70% of Squat Max
Safety Squat = 130% of Squat max
Deadlift = 100% - 110% of Squat Max
Snatch Grip Deadlift = 90% of Deadlift
Overhead Squat = 80%-100% of Snatch Max
All Pause Squat Exercises = Max of the lift paused
Close Grip BP = 75% - 80% of BP Max
Decline BP = BP Max - 110% of BP Max
Board Press= BP Max
Floor Press= BP Max
Incline BP = 75% - 80% of BP Max
Incline Close Grip BP = 65% - 70% of BP Max
Press (Front) = 70% - 75% of Jerk Max or 60% - 70% of BP Max
All Pause Press Exercises = Max of the lift paused
Clean = 100% -120% of Clean Max (depends on proficiency)
Snatch = 70% - 80% of Clean Max
Clean Shrug Pull= 130% of Clean Max
Snatch = 80% - 100% Clean Max (depends on proficiency)
Snatch Shrug Pull = 130% of Snatch Max
Snatch High Pull = 120% of Snatch Max
Romanian Deadlift (RDL) =80% Squat Max
Good Mornings = 70-80% of RDL max
Overhead Lifts
Push Press = 80% - 85% of Jerk Max or 70% BP Max
Push Jerk = 90% of Jerk Max
Press (Front) = 70% - 75% of Jerk Max or 60% - 70% of BP Max (use most
practical number)
Jerk = Clean Max
Behind Neck Push Press = 80% - 85% of Jerk Max
Behind Neck Push Jerk = 90% of Jerk Max